KYOCERA Tikitin – 2023 outlook

How do we view 2023?
In short – lot of the same as in 2022. Our strategical cycle times are long and therefore it is easy to make predictions like this. Let’s however scratch the surface and investigate some of the details.
We have a clear product roadmap for the future. Based on that the balance between short term development and long-term development will evolve to support more the next steps in our plan. Addressing different product opportunities opens wonderful opportunities to engage more with the customers.
We naturally appreciate our own technology, but the true inspiration comes from understanding deeply the benefits that our customers get with our products.
What’s ahead of us in the future?
The global team within KYOCERA evolves further. I’m especially excited about the possibility for multiple engineers to engage with their colleagues on different sites. In addition to sharing the know how between Finland and Japan, it will also provide cultural experiences for the team members beyond what Teams meeting can provide.
Our growth impacts on our facilities both in technical areas as well as in the offices. I’m happy that we can consolidate people and R&D functions into fewer locations in Otaniemi area. Bottlenecks in the available clean room space will continue 2023, but we look forward to joining the efforts to expand the Micronova ecosystem for all parties.
Finally, there is always an element of surprise. Our ambition level is high and sometimes the territory in uncharted. This means that there will be setbacks from time to time, but our team has proven to be strong in handling those. In addition to this, I see that we will be positively challenged to do more than what is in the plan at the beginning of the year.
I look forward to those discussions and continuous ways to improve our contribution to the KYOCERA group.
Tapio Sulkava
Managing Director of KYOCERA Tikitin